Task 3: Final Project
Idea 1: Carbon Sequestration Pot
Ever wonder how much CO2 your houseplants sequestering each day? Worry no more… get our wearable plant patch that connects to our display embedded pot.
Researchers develop a Wearable for Plants, capable of detecting and monitoring disease and stress - attached to a leaf, with graphene and silver nanowire sensors keep track of a plant’s VOC output as a means of monitoring stress. It’s still an emerging study and I’m wondering if we can use those principle to calculate CO2 sequestered in plants as most of the time I still couldn’t get clear answer how do exactly plants sequester X amount of Carbon.
So far most carbon sequestration methods are based on manual calculation and approximation like shown below
I wonder if I could figure out way to count it more accurately based on scientific paper studies or your good old photosynthesis formula or utilise AI on the manual calculation process and embed it into the display output
Idea 2: Open-Source Biophilic Mask Kit
Do you live in a polluted country? (I do). The “Open-Source Biophilic Mask Kit” allows you to harness the power of your local moss species to improve air quality when you breathe in. Let the moss colonise your own mask and start an symbiotic relationship with your local moss species where you improve the pollution… one breath at a time!!
I get by everywhere in Bali with Motorbikes. I go home, clean my face with make-up remover and I see dust particles all over the cotton that I used to wipe my face. Ew. Indonesians are getting sick from bad air quality. I use mask when I’m commuting but I feel like it’s not enough… moss has the capability to sequester and purify the air so I wonder if I could recontextualise moss as an open-source wearable.